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Reserved words

Reserved words are part of the Pascal language, and cannot be redefined. They will be denoted as this throughout the syntax diagrams. Reserved words can be typed regardless of case, i.e. Pascal is case insensitive.

We make a distinction between Turbo Pascal and Delphi reserved words, since with the -So switch, only the Turbo Pascal reserved words are recognised, and the Delphi ones can be redefined. By default, Free Pascal recognises the Delphi reserved words.

Turbo Pascal reserved words

The following keywords exist in Turbo Pascal mode

Delphi reserved words

The Delphi (II) reserved words are the same as the pascal ones, plus the following ones:

Free Pascal reserved words

On top of the Turbo Pascal and Delphi reserved words, Free Pascal also considers the following as reserved words:


The following is a list of all modifiers. Contrary to Delphi, Free Pascal doesn't allow you to redefine these modifiers.

Remark that predefined types such as Byte, Boolean and constants such as maxint are not reserved words. They are identifiers, declared in the system unit. This means that you can redefine these types. You are, however, not encouraged to do this, as it will cause a lot of confusion.

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Michael Van Canneyt
Fri Sep 25 09:15:40 MEST 1998